The Best Probiotics for Constipation – 5 Solid Choices

best probiotic for constipation and gas
best probiotic for constipation

Constipation is not something that feels good, so it is important that we know the best probiotic for constipation in order to relieve that pain and stress that comes directly from our guts. It is a problem that many people tend to suffer every day, making it a really hard and painful medical condition that can affect your life in many ways.

That’s why probiotics exist; to help cure and relieve that medical condition that can be as annoying and painful as the worst diseases in the world. That’s why there also exists the best probiotics for constipation that will help you get rid of that pain and make yourself feel better, avoiding constipation with ease. But, which probiotic is best for constipation? Let’s take a look further to see all of them.

Symptoms of Constipation

The symptoms of constipation can be very different; however, the most common are bowel movements that harm your guts and cause pain, stools that may be too big or too hard for your guts, straining from bowel movements, swollen belly, throwing up and even multiple other problems with pain and gasses.

These symptoms are always chronic until the condition has been dissipated with a supplement or probiotic, that’s why we recommend using them in order to relieve the symptoms and avoid long-time problems with constipation.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation as a medical condition can be caused by many things. But being a medical condition that happens in the stomach, it is very likely that its causes may not be only one, however, there is hard evidence of constipation coming from the following sources:

  • Irritable Colon Syndrome
  • Changes in the diet and activities
  • Medicines with high amount of calcium or aluminum
  • Colon Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Laxatives
  • Eating Disorders
  • Dairy products
  • Parkinson’s and Multiple sclerosis
  • Low water intake
  • Low physical activity

Can Probiotics Help With Constipation?

It is known that maybe when they are not the perfect solution for constipation, they for sure can help relieve the pain and lighten the condition. They help by maintaining a balance between microorganisms in your guts, helping prevent constipation and other problems like bowel irregularities, diarrhea, gas problems, and indigestions.

However, if they are not taken correctly alongside a good and healthy diet, a probiotic may not help with that problem. They keep guts and stomach healthy, but eating foods that won’t harm your digestive system are the best way to avoid constipation, that’s why it is important to not forget about having a good diet.

So, do probiotics help with constipation? Yes, of course, as we’ve said before, they do but always alongside a healthy diet. Nonetheless, having a healthy lifestyle is far better than ingesting probiotics that can be useless when stomach acids don’t let the probiotics work correctly, decreasing its affectivity and potency against constipation.

This happens because our intestinal track is made with billions of bacteria that are both harmful for our stomach and at the same time, healthy. However, if one both has more presence than the other, it is very likely that the person will start suffering from constipation, as it is the main cause for this condition.

However, there’s also a lot of proving that they can help in many other ways, and they are the best way to cure constipation. They also have specific benefits. That’s why it is important for you to know how exactly they work on our guts and why are they so important if we suffer from constipation. We recommend you to take a look further into this article to find out more about the best probiotics for constipation and bloating.

Can Probiotics Cause Constipation?

As we’ve said before, our intestines and guts are comprised of billions and billions of bacteria that are both healthy and harmful, however, when an imbalance occurs constipation comes with it. So, it is possible that probiotics can cause constipation if they’re used improperly.

But that’s something that’s not very likely to occur, as probiotics are often made of both healthy and harmful bacteria in order to compose a solution that actually helps at relieving all problems related to constipation.

Even when you use probiotics incorrectly, there’s a high chance that they won’t cause any problem in your intestines. As probiotics are made of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, that are bacteria that help to enhance bowel mucus and softening stool, working as an elimination of all constipation problems, without creating any other.

What Are the Best Probiotics for Constipation?

As probiotics and constipation in adults is a common medical condition these days, they are almost everywhere. The best probiotic for constipation will help to cure many other problems with the stomach and your guts, like indigestion, constipation and even reduce vomit. They work as a supplement that adds more bacteria to the stomach and gut, helping it relieve the tension and make them work right.

Take a look at this chart:

However, not all probiotics are the same, and they all have different uses and specific effectiveness against different problems. That’s why it is important to know the best probiotic supplements for constipation and avoid using the wrong ones depending on your condition. Take a look at our best probiotics against constipation reviews:

This is the best probiotic for IBS-C, constipation, and lactose intolerance. It works perfectly as a probiotic and it is the best way to cure constipation. It helps to deliver billions of microflora or healthy bacteria to your guts, helping them relieving constipation and other problems that come with it.

It is one of the most used by people who tend to suffer from chronic constipation and it is known to even avoid constipation if it is used daily.

best probiotic for ibs c




Things we liked

  • Works effectively for constipation
  • Easy to use
  • Perfect against IBS-C

Things we didn't like

  • Expensive
  • Weight loss is not too effective
  • Creates mold after some time

Final Verdict:

Probonix #1 may be the most effective and easiest to take probiotics to help against constipation. By using only twice a day you will be able to reduce all your constipation problems in just a few days, making it not only super effective but totally worth it, even for a price that may look a little expensive for some people.

This probiotic will help anyone to cure constipation and reduce its symptoms, especially if they are problems with bacteria or lactose problems; this probiotic works wonderfully and is maybe the best probiotic for constipation and gas available on the market.

This probiotic comes in a 30-day long glass bottle with capsules. It delivers one of the fastest and most effective treatments for IBS and other gut problems like constipation and even diarrhea. It is known for being affordable and delivering great results in just 1 week, with only one capsule daily. This is the best probiotic for regularity, as it is the one that helps the most with hard stools.

best probiotic for regularity




Things we liked

  • Worth for the price
  • Each capsule contains 50 million CFUs
  • It doesn’t need refrigeration

Things we didn't like

  • May feel a little pricey
  • Effect may not be detected at 1st intake

Final Verdict:

This probiotic delivers a wonderful balance to microorganism inside your guts and intestines, works perfectly in just a few days and can replenish your vitality thanks to its effectiveness. It also helps at rejuvenating and boosting the immune system, making it one of the most usable and capable probiotics in the market.

The best thing about this probiotic is that it works perfectly without being refrigerated, as you can store it wherever you want without worrying about it.

This probiotic was specially designed to work against gas, constipation and bloating, and it is also the best probiotic for IBS, working as one of the greatest digestive trouble relievers. It works with healthy bacteria like acidophilus and B. longum that are totally essential for boosting guts and intestines to work correctly and relieve all problems that may come with constipation IBS.

best probiotic for constipation and gas




Things we liked

  • The best against gases and bloating problems
  • Great price
  • Potent after first intake

Things we didn't like

  • Take longer to have an effect
  • Ineffective at weight loss

Final Verdict:

Even when this probiotic is not as fast as other that are more expensive, it does its jobs and delivers one of the best ways to get rid of constipation. Even so, it helps even better than others if you use it correctly, twice a day for 1 or 2 weeks and you will be done with your constipation problems.

This probiotic comes with 50 billion CFUs and helps at improving your immune system and even your brain health. You won’t have any problem with this probiotic and it is actually one of the most effective in the market. This probiotic also helps with IBS and improves metabolism, helps with general health and combats allergies and lactose intolerance.

best probiotic for kids with constipation




Things we liked

  • Great immune system and brain booster
  • Combats allergies and lactose intolerance
  • Good price

Things we didn't like

  • Can cause diarrhea
  • May not feel any effect after 1st intake

Final Verdict:

If you choose to buy this probiotic to help you against constipation, you won’t be deceived in any way. Even so, this probiotic is so wonderful that it even helps against many conditions and if that wasn’t enough, it helps at improving your immune system, brain health and just your entire body health, and thanks to its potent but relieving power against constipation, this is also the best probiotic for kids with constipation.

The BIOPRO-50 is one of the most effective and multi-purpose probiotics available. It helps your body not only against constipation and IBS; it also helps people at recovering from fatigued bodies with no energy, bloating, gasses and abdominal pains.

best probiotic for constipation and bloating




Things we liked

  • Increases energy and metabolism
  • Proper effectiveness
  • Affordable price

Things we didn't like

  • Needs a routine to work properly
  • May cause side effects

Final Verdict:

With this probiotic, you will be able to reduce stomach and gut pains while also relieving and reducing the effect of intestinal issues and irregularities with your stools. Being one of the most affordable probiotics on the market, you will be more than assured of its effectiveness, as it can help you with dozens of conditions at a perfect speed, without having to take too many capsules.

It also helps at supporting your immune system, promotes a better health in your digestive system, increases energy and your metabolism and helps at absorbing all nutrients, minerals, and vitamins from your food.

How to Take the Best Probiotic for Constipation?

The best way to take the best probiotics for regularity and against constipation is by starting with small doses. Especially those probiotics that have a lower CFU count, so you won’t have any problem later with your guts. If you choose to take the ones with more CFU you may start feeling bad and suffering from cramps and bloating as side effects. Also, the ones with more CFU count are usually more expensive.

Something else to take into account is to take your probiotics with a meal, as it will reduce any side effect and work better with your stomach and guts. This happens because it increases your pH that eventually helps at letting more bacteria that reduce acidic gasses and liquids to harm you.

Also, it is important to know that many probiotics come with simple fruits and vegetables that are normal in our diets. Fruits like bananas, apples and lemons can help at increasing your healthy bacteria in your stomach, the same with onions, garlic, and asparagus that boost your probiotic effects. With just 20 grams or more of natural probiotics if possible, you will be totally protected.

And the last recommendation is to never lose your routine with probiotics, let them help you for at least one month until you don’t feel any more constipation and bloating problems. However, it is important to keep taking them for longer, especially if the person is very susceptible in that part, and the benefits won’t be felt anymore if probiotics are no longer taken.

The Best Probiotic for Constipation Is

At the end it will be hard to finally choose what the best probiotic for constipation is, but going to the best balance between price, quality, and performance, the Enzymatic Therapy Probiotic Pearls Acidophilus is the best probiotic for bloating gas and constipation, working perfectly in just one week, delivering the best results against constipation problems and bloating with the best effectiveness available in the market.

However, the best probiotic for constipation for you may differ from this selection, as all bodies react differently to all probiotics and not all of them are made from the same formula and ingredients. So, we invite you to take a look and test the probiotics in this guide so you can have a better idea of what they can do and how they can help you, depending on your necessities.